Course Goals
May 12-15, 2025 | Grand Rapids, MI
- Provide pesticide inspectors with a basic knowledge and awareness of the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) and considerations when performing inspections and investigations.
- Enhance participants’ ability to meet the present challenges of enforcing and recording compliance with the WPS for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 inspections.
- Provide networking opportunities for those in the pesticide community.
Target Audience
State, Territory and Tribal Pesticide inspectors operating under a cooperative agreement who would benefit from a general overview of issues and skills needed to conduct Worker Protection Standard (WPS) inspections, follow protocols, conduct for-cause investigations, and address other compliance concerns related to the WPS.
Nominations & Participants
Planning Committee
- Ofelio Borges – Washington Department of Agriculture
- Antonio Castro-Escobar – Michigan Department of Agriculture
- Ernesto Lugo – Arizona Department of Agriculture
- Travis Snodgrass – North Carolina Department of Agriculture
- Lynn Timmer – Michigan Department of Agriculture
- Helene Ambrosino – US EPA Office of Compliance
- Aidan Black – US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
- Kelly Engle – US EPA Office of Compliance
- Fabiola Estrada – US EPA Region 9
- Ryne Yarger – US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
Travel & Lodging Information
- State, Territory, and Tribal Participants
- Lodging, flight, and ground transportation will be arranged and paid for by the PIRT team. There is no registration fee for State, Territory, and Tribal Participants.
- EPA Participants
- EPA Participants are responsible for reserving their own flights, lodging, and ground transportation. There is a registration fee for EPA participants.
- More information will be shared via email after accepted attendees complete the course registration form. Please look for these in your inbox/spam folder.