Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today at the 2024 Winter Policy Conference, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture members voted in support of increased funding and resources to states for responding to issues involving the potential presence of PFAS in agriculture, particularly per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). NASDA members also voted for indemnity for farmers whose lands are found to have PFAS at unsafe levels.

“We must continue researching and learning more about PFAS and the effects these chemicals might have on agricultural land and beyond,” NASDA CEO Ted McKinney said. “Meanwhile, NASDA supports robust resources be available for farmers and encourages USDA, EPA and FDA to work with state partners to aid farms with detections of PFAS and assist farmers and ranchers in accessing relevant federal and state assistance programs.”

In the absence of suitable assistance programs, NASDA’s policy also urges the agencies to expedite necessary authorizations for creating new initiatives or adjusting existing programs to promptly assist impacted farmers and ranchers.

“Farmers and ranchers with PFAS-detections on land or in livestock face tremendous economic and personal challenges,” McKinney said. “The most important thing we can do while we increase research on PFAS is ensure that the health and wellbeing of farmers and ranchers are protected, along with their ability to continue producing high-quality, safe food for everyone,” McKinney said.

NASDA members continue to seek policy solutions and encourage legislative actions that will assist farmers in mitigating the impacts of PFAS and continuing to produce a safe and abundant food supply for all. Since the organization established policy on PFAS in 2022, NASDA has worked with EPA and other state agencies to share information and increase cross-agency collaboration including establishing joint principles for preventing and managing PFAS in biosolids.

PFAS are a large group of synthetic fluorinated chemicals that do not degrade in the environment. Historically, PFAS chemicals have been widely used in consumer products that are stain, oil, heat and water resistant. Federal and state agencies are increasingly studying the impact of PFAS on humans, the food supply and the environment. To date, most food does not have a detectable level of PFAS, according to the FDA. No PFAS have been detected in over 97 percent of the fresh and processed foods tested from the FDA’s Total Diet Study, which began in 2019.


NASDA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit association which represents the elected and appointed commissioners, secretaries and directors of the departments of agriculture in all 50 states and four U.S. territories. NASDA enhances American food and agricultural communities through policy, partnerships and public engagement. To learn more about NASDA, please visit

Contact Information

Sarah Grace Fowler
Director, Communications
(202) 296-9680