Our Strategy for 2020-25
American agriculture is not only the backbone of rural communities and the modern food system, but also provides the essential function of feeding, fueling and nourishing people worldwide. Through our newly adopted strategic plan, NASDA has a roadmap for engaging others in this critical story, thereby growing and enhancing American agriculture.
NASDA’s strategic plan is one that builds off past successes of the organization. In recent years, NASDA improved its financial stability, established a solid framework for governance, grew in-house staff expertise and gained significant traction in positively impacting food and agricultural policy.
The current plan will take these successes even further with a focus on four priorities: government affairs, membership engagement and education, partnerships and public outreach. Through these priorities NASDA will be the nonpartisan, credible eyes, ears and voice of its members in Washington, provide even more member value, engage with others to support our vision and help elevate the importance of American agriculture.